Secret Santa Is Bringing You Stickers These are exciting times. Ulysses will soon be getting a little brother (or sister, who knows?) for iPad, while the Mac version is going to celebrate its second anniversary only a few months …
Xmas Comes Early: Join the Ulysses for iPad Beta! Time to remove all doubt: Yes, we are (hard) at work bringing Ulysses to iPad! And it won’t be “light” or “basic” or limited to certain functionalities, but will offer the fully …
Congrats, Wrimos! And Thanks for Writing Your Novel With Ulysses! Congratulations to all succeeding NaNoWriMo participants! The writing feast is over, and for many writers it was a great leap forward towards the fulfilment of a dream: writing a novel, and in the …
Work in Multiple Windows Did you know that Ulysses allows you to open multiple windows at a time? You can actually do this with many Mac apps, but for a writer’s workflow this feature proves specifically …
The Secret of Winning NaNoWriMo: “Butt in Chair, Hands on Keyboard” Robert W. Boyer Was Possibly the First to Win NaNoWriMo 2014 On November 17, 2014 you hit the 50,000 words goal for this year’s NaNoWriMo. We know, because you used Ulysses’ …
Make Yourself Comfortable – A Guide on Customizing Your Writing Environment in Ulysses, Part 4 In the former parts of this series we explored most of the adjustments you can make in Ulysses to convert its clean and focused writing environment to a clean, focused writing environment that …
Make Yourself Comfortable – A Guide on Customizing Your Writing Environment in Ulysses, Part 3 As a writer, you are possibly spending a couple of hours per day in your text editing application. Are you pleased by the way things look? In part 1 and part 2 of …
Designing the Ulysses Library A couple of weeks ago I chatted with Max about the concept of the Ulysses editor. Likewise, a lot of thought went into the Ulysses library. Marcus Fehn, the other Soulmen from day …
Problems With iCloud Drive? Here Is What You Can Do Since the release of OS X 10.10 Yosemite we are seeing an increased number of problems with iCloud Drive. Synchronization among devices in general and between Ulysses and Daedalus specifically were reported …
Set Yourself a Goal: 50,000 Words! Goals allows you to set word or character limits to sheets and groups. During NaNoWriMo, you could make use of this feature to track your progress towards a fantastic 50,000 words goal. …
“Ulysses Most Beautiful Feature Is Its Willingness to Get Out of the Way” Novelists, journalists, academics, screenwriters – all kinds of authors are using Ulysses for their writing. We asked some of them to share their story. In this post, Patrick Pittman explains why for him Ulysses …
Ulysses Makes Pasting Smarter Did you ever paste some text and didn’t get the expected result? Then you should know about Smart Paste, available with the shortcut shift-cmd-v (⇧⌘V). For example, Smart Paste can help when …
Syncing Ulysses and Daedalus via Dropbox If you want to write on the go, you can do so with the iOS app Daedalus Touch. Sync with Ulysses to be able to edit these texts on your Mac. By default, …
Out Now: "Writing a Novel with Ulysses" Bestselling author David Hewson’s new book is now available for Kindle, iBooks and Nook. During the past few years David Hewson sent us an email every now and then. Usually, they were …
Proudly Sponsoring NaNoWriMo, the Writer’s Hot Spot in the Month of November In November, hundreds of thousands of writers meet up over at NaNoWriMo’s. All of them share the same goal: writing 50.000 words in just 30 days – a novel. It may sound …
Helping You to Keep Track of Things: Filters We’ve recently written a post about effectively using keywords. However, there is one extra trick that we’d like you to be aware of and thats the use of filters. Filters are …
Bestselling Author David Hewson About Writing and His Forthcoming Book About Ulysses David Hewson is a bestselling British author and has published more than 20 mystery novels and several guidebooks for aspiring authors. His work includes three adaptations of the award-winning Danish TV series The …
Categorize Your Sheets Using Keywords When you’re writing a book with many characters or places it’s convenient to be able to filter all scenes starring the same character or place. Or maybe you’re a blogger …