Ulysses Makes Pasting Smarter Did you ever paste some text and didn’t get the expected result? Then you should know about Smart Paste, available with the shortcut shift-cmd-v (⇧⌘V). For example, Smart Paste can help when …
Adjust Ulysses' Markup to Your Needs Markdown is great for focused, productive writing. But it might happen that it gets in the way of your specific writing task. In Ulysses, there is a simple solution to this problem: Just …
Turn Back Time With Ulysses' Version History Do you know this? You delete a sentence in your text, and a couple of days later you change your mind and would like to turn back time to restore it? Probably most …
Using Tables With Ulysses and Marked We’ve added native support for tables in Ulysses with version 27. Just type (tbl) to add a new table. One important benefit of plain text editing is that you’re never locked …